Thursday 22 April 2010

The Return III: Edinburgh...Take Two


I finished my last essay of the semester today (YAY!) so I thought I would do a little blogging since I've been neglecting it.

My next trip after London was a day trip to Edinburgh with Mike. We took the train in the morning and first stopped at Edinburgh castle. I had been there before so it was mainly a trip for Mike. It was most of the same stuff, except he wanted to see the war museum, which I didn't see last time. After the castle, we stopped in a pub for a bit to eat and HAGGIS. This was the first (and last) time Mike had haggis in Scotland. He was not a fan.

First bites of haggis

After lunch we went to Holyrood Palace. This was a pretty cool place. It seemed like an actual palace. The inside was all decorated and set up like the family was still living there (couldn't take pictures inside). We didn't want to spend £15 on an audio guide, so we don't know much about the history of the palace. But it was pretty.

Exterior of Holyrood Palace
Mike guarding the palace. You know, in case of an invasion.
The courtyard.
There were ruins of an abbey attached to the palace
Another exterior

Fun with panoramic pictures. This made up of 4 or 5 pictures. I just turned in a circle and Mike wanted to be twins that day I guess.

From the palace, we took a bus to an area in Edinburgh called Leiths. My dad had seen a documentary on it and said it looked like a nice place. It was a kind of rundown but cool section of town. A little canal ran right through the middle of it.

Mike made a friend on the boardwalk.
We came across this dock area. Not quite sure what that large orange boat is. Whaling boat? I don't know. I only know B.C. Ferry boats and tug boats.
We were pretty tired from the walking, so we took the train home and made some Kraft Dinner that my mom had sent with Mike. YUM!

That's all for tonight! My brain is kind of mush from my ridiculous essay for my ridiculous class (Tourist Behavior). I'll blog tomorrow about our weekend in Isle of Skye!

1 comment:

  1. Really looking forward to the Isle of Skye and Wales trip dear. So get on it!! Treasuring your university education? Hope your prof isn't lurking about your blogspot.

