Monday 1 March 2010

Quick Update

Hello everyone!

It's been a cold and rainy weekend here in Glasgow. I got to wear my rainboots, which I love! I've already broken my umbrella due to the strong winds here. Just another excuse to go out shopping (even if it is for an umbrella)!

This past weekend was rather uneventful. I have 3 essays due mid-March when Mike's coming, plus I have things planned for the next two weekends, so I stayed in and worked on my essays. Probably the first time I've ever started an essay more than 48 hours before it was due. Go me.

I watched the hockey game last night online and wow was it good! I've noticed today that some of my American Facebook friends have joined an event called "National Hate Sidney Crosby Day". Way to keep it classy USA. Anyways, I don't know what to follow now that the Olympics are over! I can hardly wait for London 2012!

I should have more interesting things to report come next week. I think I'm going to go to Edinburgh this weekend instead of going abroad. I should have plenty of pictures to share then. Until then, I will be working away on my essays, fighting my urge to procrastinate!

Hope everyone is well and I'll talk to you again soon!

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