Sunday 21 February 2010

Late to the Party...

Hello all,

So I'm jumping on this bandwagon they call "blogging" a little late into my exchange, but better late than never! I'm starting this in hopes that it will be easier to update a mass amount of people than individual Facebook messages. We'll see how it goes.

A quick rundown of what I've been up to for the past 3 weeks or so to get you caught up. My grand european adventure started with me missing my plane to Glasgow from London because of ludicrous security measures at Heathrow. Four dull layover hours later, I was off to Glasgow on a tiny charter plane that clearly was not made for people over 5'0". I was so excited to land in Glasgow, seeing how my travel time was up to 24+ hours, only to find that my luggage did not make it. No surprise there. I'm pretty sure the airlines are out to get me, since on almost every plane trip over 8 hours my luggage ends up lost. After checking with lost luggage, I headed to my dorm where I proceeded to sleep for about 16 hours. Long story short, I got my luggage the next day and all was well.

Since then, it's been a flurry of classes, meeting new people, and drinks. They are not kidding when they say that the Scottish are the heaviest drinkers. They give Canadians a run for their money. I've managed to make my way to various bars, pubs, and clubs in Glasgow while holding my own against Scottish drinkers. Woot woot.

The greatest disappointment of my trip so far has been that my laptop hard drive decided to give up. Thank God there's an Apple store within about a 5 minute walk of campus AND they fixed everything for free! New hard drive, casing and upgraded to the new operating system. However, I now am missing a ton of applications that requires CD installation. But I do have an application for uploading pictures off my camera! I will post some of my shots tomorrow, since quite frankly, I'm all blogged out.

Next time on my blog:
-A rundown of my trip to Dunbarton Castle (a.k.a. where William Wallace/Braveheart was held captive), complete with pictures.
-Life (and pictures) in and around Glasgow
-Being Canadian...yes I've gotten the "you're so polite, you must be from Canada"

PS: Here's a look at what my dorm looks like. Tiny, tiny room, in a flat shared with 7 other people.

View from my room during the day
View from my room when it snowed. People here went CRAZY over the snow. About 300 people were outside sledding. They've clearly never been to Canada.
Part of my room. That big blue safe-looking thing is my wardrobe.
Where I spend many studious hours...

Nice color palette, right?

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